How To Reset Massage Chair


A massage chair is a great way to relax and relieve stress. It can provide a deep tissue massage, a shiatsu massage, or just a gentle massage. However, if the massage chair is not working properly, it can be frustrating. Fortunately, it is usually easy to reset a massage chair. This article will explain how to reset a massage chair in a few simple steps.

Steps to Reset a Massage Chair

Resetting a massage chair is a relatively simple process. It involves unplugging the massage chair, finding the reset button, pressing the reset button, and then plugging the massage chair back in.

Unplug the Massage Chair

The first step in resetting a massage chair is to unplug it from the wall. This will ensure that the massage chair does not receive any power while it is being reset.

Find the Reset Button

The next step is to locate the reset button. This is usually located on the underside of the massage chair. It may be labeled as a “reset” button or a “power” button.

Press the Reset Button

Once the reset button has been located, it should be pressed firmly. This will reset the massage chair and allow it to be used again.

Plug the Massage Chair Back In

The final step is to plug the massage chair back into the wall. This will ensure that the massage chair receives power and is ready to be used.


Resetting a massage chair is a relatively simple process. It involves unplugging the massage chair, finding the reset button, pressing the reset button, and then plugging the massage chair back in. With these steps, a massage chair can be reset in just a few minutes.


  1. How to Reset a Massage Chair
  2. How to Reset a Massage Chair